Do you want to have a gorgeous curly hairstyle that’s beautiful and durable? When you purchase an excellent curly hair extension it is important to pay careful attention to its care. Because curly hair extensions can be high maintenance, they need an effective regimen of care to ensure that the curls and texture are intact. We will discuss the most important principles for caring for curly hair extensions.
What are Curly Hair Extensions?
CurlyExtensions are extensions to which we have added a kink-profile (see above for an image that shows the different options for kink profile). By adding a Kink Profile refers to the chemical treatment that is applied to Virgin Remy Human hair extensions to produce a specific curly appearance (generally closest to your natural kink as you can). These extensions can be utilized to create full-length curls, or to highlight certain parts of hair.
What Are the Benefits of Curly Hair Extensions?
Curly hair extensions permit people who have naturally curly hair choose hair extensions that are close to their hair’s texture. This allows for more harmonious blending even when the extensions are not cut or styled (for instance, straight hair extensions on hair with a curly curl may look odd and out of place)
How to Take Care of Curly Hair Extensions
Due to the extra processing that the hair extensions undergo and the ‘curly/wavy or afro’ character of the chemical process to make a kink-like profile Curly Hair Extensions require an extra rigorous care regimen. Here are some basic principles and tips from our experts on how to care for curly hair extensions to ensure they can remain in good condition.
1. Comb your fingers with your fingers
The initial and most crucial step to care for curly hair extensions which astonish everybody is learning to properly brush them. Extensions of curly hair require gentle care and care to keep their curl and form. Do not brush your curls while they are dry because this can cause frizzing, breakage or shedding and loss of their curl. One trick that is not widely known is that rubbing your fingertips over your curls is more effective than using a hairbrush to untangle the hair. To take care of curls, you should avoid brushing them when they’re dry, as this could cause frizzing and other issues. To avoid breaking make use of a comb with a wide tooth to loosen your hair extensions once they’re damp, and completely well-hydrated. It is important to start from the bottom and work upwards. The other thing to remember is to comb your hair in the downward direction of hair. Don’t comb your hair side to side, in the direction of upwards as well as in another direction in order to keep your hair from getting damaged. If you discover the hair extension you have purchased is tangling, you should first attempt to comb with your fingers any knots or tangles that are present at the top of the wefts too. If they’re still stuck, you can try co-washing the extensions, and then use the wide tooth brush to remove knots from top to bottom (see below for more details).).
2. Don’t wash the dishes every day
Cleaning your hair regularly to keep it tidy and beautiful is great for hair that is natural. But, you shouldn’t make use of this method for caring for hair extensions that have curly curls. The main reason for not washing your hair extensions every day is because it could cause stress and strain on fragile hair strands and cause dry, thirsty curly hair. After that, you should shampoo your extensions at least once per week, if not every fortnight. Another option is to use ‘Co-Washing’. Co-washing refers to “conditioner only washing”. If you co wash, you essentially only use conditioner and do not use shampoo for washing your extensions. Co-washing is an excellent method to clean dry hair types, such as curly extensions to replenish softness and moisture without stripping the hair with harsh detergents or lathering agents typically present in shampoos. When washing your natural extensions of hair, make sure that you use a moisturizing conditioner that is free of silicone, and that is moisture-based not protein-based. Simply make sure that the extensions are completely wet, apply a generous quantity of conditioning from the root to tip, then gently clean the hair extensions. If your hair extensions feel dry, keep the conditioner on for 5-10 minutes prior to washing it out.
3. Use conditioners and moisturizers.
Always moisturize your extensions using a moisturizing shampoo as well as conditioner. If you want to keep moisture in your hair for the longest time possible you must make use of a silicone-based shampoo that is quick to penetrate the hair extensions. The products you apply for your curls are as essential as those you use on your hair naturally. Like natural curly hair, which is susceptible to frizz and dryness, the same is true for your hair extensions. Since curly hair extensions don’t get naturally-produced oils on the scalp, they are susceptible for dryness and tangling and frizzing. Utilizing products that are deeply moisturizing with ingredients such as shea butter can be a great method to replenish moisture, softness and shine. If you are choosing a moisturizing conditioner and shampoo, go for products that are alcohol-free and free of sulfate (these ingredients are extremely drying) be sure to stay clear of products that contain proteins. Silicone-based conditioners are ideal when it comes to curly hair extensions. Though protein-rich products can bring back curly definition and bring balance back to natural curly hair, they may cause your curls to become matted and tangled, and therefore should not be used. Conditioners that leave-in and other serums are a boon to maintaining moisturization, shine and nourishment. As we’ve mentioned, clips in hair extensions dry out easily due to the absence of natural oils produced by the scalp. A small amount of leave-in conditioner will ensure that the hair is moisturized and extend the life of your extensions. To prevent dryness, it is recommended to apply a hair mask at least every month or once. Apply it for 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off. You’ll see the difference once you have used this on your hair. Make sure to condition your hair using an ingredient made from 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and 1 egg along with 1/4 cup of milk which will leave your hair soft and shiny.
4. Avoid scrubbing and soaking.
The best method to care for curls is to not rub them while washing. Avoid getting it so wet and then use a towel to absorb the water when you wash it (pat dry it gently).
5.Protect your extensions during sleep
Make use of a satin scarf to ensure your hair is protected while you sleep. The satin pillows are great however, you could also make use of a satin scarf as an alternative. It can protect your hair from frizz and minimize frizz in your hair. Even if you don’t have any satin pillowcases it is possible to use the satin scarf to protect your hair. But the best solution is to remove your hair extensions prior to sleeping.
6. Avoid mousse and hairsprays.
The use of mousses and hair sprays are not suitable for severely treated hair. If you frequently use them you could be left with dry, stiff and oily hair. Instead, opt for a leave-in conditioner that is light (as as mentioned above).
7. Minimize heat damage
You must ensure that your extensions are as cool as it is possible to avoid damage caused by heat which is among the most frequently encountered issues for curls that are curly. Make sure you use the right equipment to prevent harm to hair including flat irons, curling irons, as well as blow dryers. Use the lowest setting you can. The best method to extend the lifespan of your curls is to stay clear of overusing heating. This means that you won’t have to contend with burnt-out curls or damaged hair.
8. Cleanse your hair regularly
The main cause of dry frizzy curls is accumulation of dirt and product on the hair and scalp strands. To stop this from happening, it is essential to cleanse and moisturize your scalp on a regular basis. By doing this, you will keep your scalp healthy and clean and will create the perfect atmosphere for healthy and dense hair growth.
9. Dry your hair with an old t-shirt made of cotton
Dry your hair with the help of a cotton t-shirt. Then, you can scrunch up the water that has accumulated. If you rub your hair using a cloth, your cuticles will be opened and your hair will get frizzy. Let it air dry. To avoid frizziness when drying, apply leave-in treatments for curly hair like curly activating cream, or simply add argan oil (which we’ll give you in one small bottle). Don’t in any way disrupt your curls when they dry! Doing anything with them or moving your fingers around them can cause them to frizz up and that’s the last thing you’ll want. If you’re running short of time then you can dry your hair using a diffuser. You can flip your head over and then secure the diffuser on your scalp. Do not shift it around too much as the blowing winds could cause frizz to appear on your hair. Make sure you utilize a diffuser and make use of the lowest setting of the blow-dryer.
10. Be careful not to touch your hair.
As you get more involved with hair the more you take the moisture from them, break the curls, and make frizz. Even though stroking silky soft, long hair is tempting, you should leave your hair extensions as they are when you’re in, particularly if they’ve been freshly washed. Don’t want all that efforts to go to go to
11. Separate the bonds each day
Not least, ensure that you spend the time every day to cut off your bonds. Although it may seem to be a lengthy and difficult job, it really only takes about a minute and takes much less time when done regularly. It doesn’t require any equipment to accomplish this task; just apply your fingers to every link and make sure that none of them is knotted. If they are knotted, try to remove them as cleanly as you can – you might require a small brush or comb for doing this. By keeping your connections separate always to prevent the extensions from getting caught in any loose hair or shed hair.
12. Make sure you are protected in the rain
Have you ever ventured out in the rain only to see your hair’s natural texture to change into a frizz? The reason curly hair and damp weather don’t go well is that curly hair is dry naturally. If you are outside and the air becomes full of moisture, curly hair takes the moisture in, creating frizz. When your hair has been hydrated enough with leave-in products, you might be able to go with less of a sting. If you’re planning to go outside in rainy weather, you should first apply a small amount of a smoothening product, or spray a tiny amount in leave-in conditioning spray. If you’re able to, put a silk scarf around your hair. Try to shield your hair from getting wet for as long as you can!
Curly hair extensions cost money therefore you need to take proper care of them to keep them for a long time and enjoy a great style. It is recommended to spend a few minutes each day to maintain your hair extensions that are curly with the help of the suggestions provided in this article.

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