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Hair extensions are an investment that is worth the cost and an amount of money should indicate that you’re getting what you pay for. With every company claiming to be the top, it’s crucial to understand how to assess whether the extensions you purchase determine if you bought inferior or superior quality extensions. Many companies claim to offer the best quality hair, and they claim that the hair used is 100 percent human hair, but this is not always true. It’s commonplace for businesses mixing human hair, animal hair, fibers , or sometimes even hair made from synthetic. We’ve made a short checklist of ways to test the quality of your hair extensions from within the privacy of your own home to determine whether your extensions are of good quality, and ways to show that you purchased top quality extensions, and that the hopes you set are met with excellent results.

Before you move to the next page We felt it was crucial to inform you of the fact that we, as a company, believe in our products and take pride in being honest and never revealing secrets for you, the customer. Our hair is 100% real human hair and passes all tests without a hitch. Hair extensions are gorgeous and feel gorgeous, but knowing more about the process of making them can help you decide the right time to forgive an organization and when you should be sure that they’ve been honest.

1. Length Percentage Test

One way to determine how good your extensions are is by observing the proportion of hair strands that are identical in length. To determine this, hold your extensions at the base and the other hand on the top. Start to gently shake the hair and then turn it to release any hair strands freed. If your hair extensions are brimming with many hairs that come loose, it means that less hair is the same length, and can impact the thickness of the root to the tip . However, if you only have a few hairs come loose, this means you have better quality as during the compilation process, the manufacturer has spent the time to make sure that the length percentage is higher than normal. Hey Stacey’s hair extensions’ average length percentage is between 24-28 percent, which is a lot more than our rivals’ averages which vary between 14 and 18 percent. The significance of being able to have a greater percentage within the same length hair strands is to make sure that your set is firmly anchored across the entire length, and you won’t see your hair extensions look thin and have obvious gaps in the ends.

2. Tapered Test

The test for tapered hair is similar to the test of length percent, but is a more visible way to determine instantly how much of your extension set is similar in length. The reason for tapering is that the manufacturer when sorting the hair does not separate the shorter strands. This reduces the quality. When you purchase hair extensions, you need to examine not just the thickness of the roots as well as the tip to determine if your hair extension is a thick root to place them on a flat, flat surface. ensure that all the hair is aligned in a straight line when the clips are being compared to ensure that the hair is the same and is laid exactly. After you’ve laid your hair, if you immediately notice a V shape on the bottom it means how the hair has tapered. It is of lower quality as the thickness isn’t evenly distributed throughout the hair. The best hair extensions are thick from root to tip and this is what you’ll immediately notice when you buy a package of Hey Stacey hair extensions, that is, our hair doesn’t taper at the end and is bluntly cut to guarantee equal lengths of strands.

3. Test for Temperature

As bizarre as it sounds it is, determining the quality of your hair extensions based on how it feels on your fingers is a sure sign. To determine the condition of your hair by temperature, take a small bit of hair and check whether it feels cold when you touch it. This is because hair holds moisture and wicks the energy away from the fingertips and leaves your hair feeling cool, whereas in contrast to hair of lower quality which does not hold moisture and feels warmer. The most important thing to remember is that the colder the hair, the better the quality, so make certain to touch your extensions of hair and note the temperature.

4. Burn Test

You read that right… The test of burning. It’s not that you have to cut off a lot from your extensions, but it is an extremely extreme method of testing the quality of hair by torching it with fire. If you’re arranging for a professional to chop your extensions for blend purposes, request only a tiny portion of hair to conduct the burn test. The only thing you need to do is cut off a small hair bundle (we do not mean tiny or even minor, but just enough to notice the difference when you apply an ignition source to it) and then light the ends with a torch. If the hair is synthetic, it will perform either one of two things. it will either glow and burn or melt near the ends, where the flame will cease to burn almost immediately when it is ignited. Be aware of the smell since both of these scenarios will smell like burnt plastic. If the hair extensions are burning and you are forced to extinguish the flame, it signifies that the hair is the real world and it will smell more sour as synthetic hair.

5. Shedding Test

While it is normal to see hair extensions shed as your hair does, excessive shedding is a clear indication of poor quality hair extensions. Comb your extensions of hair with your fingers. If the hair is silky smooth and is easy to separate with very little or no shed it means that the hair is of high-quality. If your fingers become entangled in tangles and are covered with hair strands that have fallen off, it indicates that the hair is made from or is made of low-quality hair. Similar rules apply for using brushes instead of fingers. Less shedding equates better quality hair extensions, and a lot of shedding means lower quality hair.

These are only some simple tests done with your extensions in order to verify its high-quality. There are many more methods to test the cuticle, for instance other tests that can be located on the web. The five dots are the simplest and most efficient way to assess how well your extensions are performing.

Tell us what your thoughts are in the comment section below. Have you attempted one or all of them? What were your experiences?

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